Who we are

ROUTE GENIE - industry-leading carriage
management software from iForce

Route Genie is the power behind iForce Pathfinder product and is also available as a carriage management software service for brands who manage their own operations.

Designed and proven over many years from a retail logistics, multi-client and multi-channel perspective, Route Genie offers an optimised customer experience and a full range of operational tools required by today’s multi-channel retailers.

Today, Route Genie is also available as a separate software service (SaaS) or as a software license for multichannel retailers seeking carriage management capabilities for their own operations.

With ever-increasing delivery expectations of the modern shopper, iForce has combined evolving multi-channel management expertise with its pioneering software to ensure leading retailers can continually deliver on their multi-channel customer promise.

In all forms, Route Genie technology provides total carriage management control.

More about Route Genie

What we do

Industry-leading carriage management for modern commerce

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